HOCHTIEF digitalised workflows to stay on time with delivery deadlines
Large-scale construction of hydropower plant supported by Thinkproject
La Confluencia is hydropower plant constructed in south-east Chile, channeling water from the valleys near the Tinguirica, Azufre and Portillo rivers. The plant’s reservoir has a daily 1.2 million m³ capacity and can generate a maximum of 160 MW. Two horizontal tunnels at a total length of 21 km lead water from the inlet areas to the approx. 360 m deep, vertical hydropower shaft, from where it is directed to power plant turbines.
As part of a joint venture, general contractor HOCHTIEF worked alongside TECSA S.A., where both companies were responsible for planning and building of the plant, as well as construction of service roads, turbines and other building services.

160 MW
hydropower capacity
21 km
total tunnel length
project completed
185 million Euro
total costs
With teams working internationally, challenges can arise through time zones, with approval or sign-off delays. This is mitigated with a central platform where updates are syncronised in real-time.

HOCHTIEF decided to use Thinkproject’s Document & Communication Management for this international project. Flexible, customisable workflows were an important criterion for the project to accommodate teams working internationally across time zones. These workflows were needed for checks to the design, building services and operation manual plans.
Time management integrated into Thinkproject provided full control for project participants when it came to checking intervals and finishing dates. The workflows implemented optimised the planning process and shortened construction times.
Thinkproject – The built asset lifecycle platform