Integrate the CDE with your asset management system

Handover Management

Manage and transfer your constructed asset project information with efficiency, from construction to operation phase. For any size or complexity, ensure the necessary data and organisational structures are in place for improved asset management during the operational phase. 

Efficient operation & management of the built asset through seamless handover of asset data

Transitioning between construction phases doesn’t have to be complex. Thinkproject Handover Management is a digital asset handover solution enabling a continuous transfer of validated, accurate, and comprehensive as-built information from the construction phase of a project to asset owners, in the structure they want the information in, and into the asset management solution of their choice.  

The goal is to ensure that asset owners receive all necessary information in a format that is conducive to successful operation and management of the built asset. This process enables asset owners to have access to the right information at the right time, minimising disruptions and maximising the value derived from the asset over its lifecycle. 

Try our interactive demos for main use cases

Define a list of assets, categorise them, identify stakeholders, and set up rules to lay the groundwork for efficient data handover.   

Save time and effort, minimise errors and improve data quality by automating data collection and streamlining data validation processes.  

Ensure prompt delivery of complete and high-quality data on time and in a preferred format. Take advantage of smooth integration with Thinkproject Asset Management.




Seamlessly transition from construction to operation, minimise disruptions, and contribute to the efficient and sustainable management of the built environment by integrating different data sources (CDE and BIM), trade partners and the Asset Management system in use.

Discover key features

Set up templates & import asset structure easily

Define customisable asset templates tailored to your needs based on discipline, maintenance levels, or any other parameter, specifying required attributes. Configure rules for automatically associating the as-built handover documentation from a CDE to the relevant Asset records in the Handover Management system.

Create & populate asset register with as-built data

Create and manage all your assets in a single Asset Register. Easily locate your asset record through powerful search and filter options. Use the Asset Register to collect the as-built and commissioning data through construction. Validate the data for completeness and accuracy through pre-defined validation rules within the asset templates and take the necessary corrective steps.

Deliver quality handover data

Export quality handover data into industry-standard formats and structure of your choice for assets ready for handover. Data is readily available in Thinkproject Asset Management when it is implemented in the Asset Management tool, or any other 3rd party Asset Management tool through a digital transfer.

Set up templates & import asset structure easily

Define customisable asset templates tailored to your needs based on discipline, maintenance levels, or any other parameter, specifying required attributes. Configure rules for automatically associating the as-built handover documentation from a CDE to the relevant Asset records in the Handover Management system.

Create & populate asset register with as-built data

Create and manage all your assets in a single Asset Register. Easily locate your asset record through powerful search and filter options. Use the Asset Register to collect the as-built and commissioning data through construction. Validate the data for completeness and accuracy through pre-defined validation rules within the asset templates and take the necessary corrective steps.

Deliver quality handover data

Export quality handover data into industry-standard formats and structure of your choice for assets ready for handover. Data is readily available in Thinkproject Asset Management when it is implemented in the Asset Management tool, or any other 3rd party Asset Management tool through a digital transfer.

World-leading assets, built & operated with Thinkproject

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