Centralising contract management to save time and money

Swish Fibre Ltd saved £550K in 2 years with Commercial & Contract Management

Challenges and their solutions


Swish Fibre Ltd, a leader in full-fibre broadband in the UK with an eye toward the future of technology, was looking for a solution to help streamline and automate their contract management. Managing a growing network of partners and a multitude of contracts across several locations in the Home Counties, UK, it quickly became evident that a consistent, centralised solution for contract administration was essential, not only to increase efficiency but also scale the business.

The company turned to Thinkproject to meet their needs thanks to its reputation as a well-known and trusted solution as well as its ability to collate all the salient information together, produce reports at the touch of a button, and automate processes. With this software in place, processes that previously took days are now collated in minutes or even seconds. In the two years since Thinkproject Commercial & Contract Management was implemented, Swish Fibre estimates that they’ve saved over half a million pounds in time and money.

  • “My favourite feature of Thinkproject Commercial & Contract Management is definitely the countdown timer for the time-barred actions, as this focuses the minds of all users. Each party can readily see what’s in front of them, including time remaining to execute each action and remain compliant with contractual obligations. It’s so basic, but so brilliant.”
    Simon Ward
    Regional Commercial Manager, Swish Fibre
  • “There’s almost no comparison between how Thinkproject’s Commercial & Contract Management functionality works and spreadsheet-based systems. It’s clear to see that the centralisation, ease of attachment retrieval and linked events along with the auto-filing, makes contract management so much more efficient and final accounts to be agreed much more rapidly.”
    Simon Ward
    Regional Commercial Manager, Swish Fibre
  • “Over the past two years, the time and money saved using Commercial & Contract Management comes to approx. half a million pounds,” said Simon Ward, Regional Commercial Manager at SwishFibre. “Using Thinkproject has enabled our teams to manage unexpected external factor occurrences, whilst maintaining planned construction pace.”
    Simon Ward
    Regional Commercial Manager, Swish Fibre
A quest for streamlined contract administration


A major innovator in UK broadband, Swish Fibre Ltd knew that central data capture would not only be required to consistently meet reporting requirements, but also significantly increase efficiency. Working with a multitude of contracts across several locations, coupled with the company’s accelerated growth, made it essential to invest in a consistent method to streamline and automate contract administration.


As Swish Fibre Ltd began looking for solutions, multiple paths spotlighted Europe’s market leader, Thinkproject and its contract management software. The fact that it’s set up for NEC contracts, is ISO27001 and 9001 accredited and recommended on the UK Government’s Digital Marketplace page, made opting for Thinkproject Contracts a no-brainer for the company. Additionally, several members of the Swish Fibre team had previously used the software in other roles viewing it as a well-known, trusted and user-friendly option.

Thinkproject’s commitment to continuous improvement also appealed to Swish Fibre as the company shares the forward-thinking mindset.

Ultimately, Swish Fibre chose Thinkproject as their preferred contract management solution because it’s easy to use, offers the ability to tailor individual contract setups and acts as a central repository for information. Its real-time reporting capabilities unlock valuable insights for Swish Fibre to track and benchmark team, supplier and contract performance across a portfolio of contracts.

Saving valuable time and money with Commercial & Contract Management


Thanks to Thinkproject’s centralisation of multiple contracts, the solution has become a must have for Swish Fibre. It makes it easy for the team to cope with unexpected external factor occurrences, whilst maintaining the planned construction pace. It also helps keep projects flowing thanks to reminders that help keep multiple users up to date with their action plans. This in turn, ramps up time efficiency and enables proactive management planning, essential to the successful delivery of objectives. Swish Fibre’s is further supported by a dedicated account manager and a 10-person back-up team, ensuring everything needed to make the most out of the experience.

Thinkproject have saved Swish Fibre tremendous amounts of time over the course of the two years that they’ve been using the solution. What used to take days, now takes minutes or even seconds. When it comes to monthly reports, collating the data for the company’s current contracts by spreadsheet previously took hours, but with the Thinkproject’s ANALYTICS function, they are now able to retrieve that same collated information in seconds and can even transfer the output into other formats for use within meetings in a matter of minutes. Swish Fibre estimates that using Thinkproject’s contract management functionality has saved the company approximately £550k in time-related cost since the solution was implemented.

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