Landscape shot of mountains with windfarms

ESG Report

Building for the future

We are proudly sharing our latest sustainability report, reflecting on the year 2022 and our continued efforts to providing cutting edge technological solutions for the built asset industry.

Our key results


GHG emissions reduction target

Scope 1 & 2 approved by SBTi


GHG emissions reduction target

Scope 3 approved by SBTi



Our team is diverse with broad expertise

Thinkproject has joined the UNGC, emphasising our commitment to sustainable and responsible business practices.

We successfully completed a comprehensive assessment of our carbon footprint in-line with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, as well as setting near-term reduction targets.

  • Our CEO says
    “We remain steadfast in our commitment and sustainable practices as a software company in the construction industry. We are proud to offer solutions that support green construction, in-line with the GHG Protocol. Our agreed SBTi commitment and acceptance to the UNGC gives us guidance to ensure we have achievable targets to continue to improve, from the inside out.“
    Renzo Taal
    CEO, Thinkproject

We're supporting


active projects


completed projects





Goals 5, 8, 9, 11 and 13 of the UNGC SDGs

Sustainable Development Goals

Thinkproject promotes and is guided by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The 17 SDGs, developed and adopted by United Nations Member States in 2015,  provide guidance on sustainability, fighting poverty, inequality, and injustice.

Sustainability at Thinkproject