Road winding through mountains


Responsible solutions for our customers

think clarity. think success.

We have a goal to support our customers on their journey to digitalisation, and we have a responsibility to do this with sustainability at the forefront. Digitising processes in the built asset lifecycle helps our customers reduce their emissions and benefit from increased efficiency.

The built asset industry is responsible for a significant proportion of global CO₂ emissions. Statistics show the EU’s contribution is approximately 277 Mt (million metric tonnes) of CO₂e per year. Globally, the amount for the buildings and construction sector is even higher amounting to 37% of annual GHG emissions worldwide.

Benefits of digital solutions


Evaluating sustainability during the design phase


Monitoring LCA across asset delivery


Assessing sustainability strategies for existing assets


Ensuring regulatory compliance and certifications

Work smarter not harder

Thinkproject helps customers be more precise, take action quickly, and be mindful of resources use through a single source of truth that is accessible to everyone, from asset owner to contractor and across the whole supply chain.

Two construction workers discussing plans at a building site

Work smarter not harder

Thinkproject helps customers be more precise, take action quickly, and be mindful of resources use through a single source of truth that is accessible to everyone, from asset owner to contractor and across the whole supply chain.

Two construction workers discussing plans at a building site

Collective success with collaboration

Collaborating internally, with supply chains, stakeholders and industry peers means innovation as well as lessons learned are shared and become industry best practices.

Two construction workers looking at a plan on a handheld device

Learn from your own best practice

With data analytics, teams can easily spot trends, analyse resources, understand the reasons behind delays and avoid costly mistakes, leading to safer, more sustainable assets.

Engineer looking at machinery

Sustainable construction in action

1000k litres

Reported water saved by Torimba Socimi

0.3t CO₂

Calculated reduction of CO₂ for Conurma Group

10 windfarms

Producing 342 MW for Phoenix Project

World-leading assets, built & operated with Thinkproject

Sustainablity at Thinkproject